AWS Cloud Cost Optimization Services | AWS Certified Partner | Jade

Aws Cloud Services

Providing transparency and control in the complex world of Cloud Cost Management

Today’s IT and business leaders do not look to the cloud AWS cost optimization as just another way to save on cost, they realize that the impact of cloud economics is much broader. It essentially changes organizations’ behavior and provides them with critical differentiators. The selection of cloud providers and services is increasingly looking at more profound business value benefits.

Whether you have already made your choices of cloud cost optimization services and are looking to extract more value out of your cloud dollars, or you are exploring rightly sized cloud optimization services with the right pricing model for your next cloud-native development, our Cloud Cost Management framework ensures you can organize and track your cost and usage, enhance control, enable better planning through budgeting and forecasting, ultimately reducing your TCO and increasing your ROI.

Customer Challenges in Cloud Cost Management

Transparency in Cloud Spend

Transparency in Cloud Spend

Lack of resources, reports, and tools for greater visibility and control over cloud subscription costs

Control, Shift and Cost

Control, Shift and Cost

Procurement is no longer the gatekeepers on cloud spend - cloud spend power has been pushed to the engineers



Inability to charge back or amortize the cost appropriate to the teams that are responsible for the spend

Anatomy of Cloud Bill

Anatomy of Cloud Bill

Billing is no longer simple to understand, as resources are individually charged in micro amounts.

Purchase Strategy

Purchase Strategy

Cloud is a daily procurement - lack of service procurement strategy to take advantage of variable purchase options in cloud

Continuous Optimization

Continuous Optimization

Identify orphaned assets, generate recommendations and push those recommendations by having a regular cadence is a major challenge

Capacity management

Capacity management

Lack of process to review the capacity usage to ensure that the cloud environment is having the services with the right sizes

Predictability in Cloud Spend

Predictability in Cloud Spend

Due to the way the cloud is being consumed it is difficult for the Finance team and CxO to predict and budge the cloud/IT spend for the organizations


Jade Cloud Cost Optimization – A Framework for Value Maximization

Value maximization through increased visibility, improved governance, and end-to-end ownership

Regarding value realization from customers’ usage of AWS cloud optimization methods, cost saving is the first dimension along which TCO reduction is attained. So, that’s where we start – the direct financial impact of better technical architecture and deployment becomes evident. Yes, your finance team is our first major stakeholder here, using a data-driven approach, we create visibility, in a literal sense, into every aspect of total spend. This drives accountability and helps chargebacks – it goes a long way in improving your organization’s culture.

When customers have a clearer picture of spending, they are in a better position to act, and this is where we bring in our tested automation-based policies to get your workloads just what they need when needed. While we are at it, we also help you better forecast what you need, so there is no more tussle between finance and your infrastructure and operation teams.

As you adopt a culture change, your teams learn to take ownership; they better manage their footprint. In this optimized state, your enterprise becomes a true powerhouse of innovation fueled by cloud-native capabilities while always remaining aligned with business goals.

Jade Cloud Offering
Cost Analysis and Planning

Cost Analysis and Planning

Understand current consumption, determine allocation to business units, and define metrices and strategies to track

Cost Optimization

Cost Optimization

Eliminate waste through active capacity management, usage of the right services and features, and through AWS partnership

Monitoring and Forecasting

Monitoring and Forecasting

Collect data on defined metrices, project forward, detect anomalies, and plan for allocation and charge back

Our Capabilities

We advise customers to evaluate their spending early as they migrate/modernize workloads on the AWS cloud. AWS cost and usage reports can be daunting to analyze manually, mainly when customers operate many workloads across various environments. Our purpose cost analyzer tool helps automate the analysis, grouping cost elements by domain and workload.

While live data, presented using a real-time dashboard, provides you with greater visibility of your total spend, we conduct forecasting and planning to provide you with more agility in budgeting for future needs.

Data-driven decision-making allows you to evaluate and prioritize your IT projects' current and future infrastructure needs.

How we help you
  • Resource tagging strategy
  • Automated spend analysis and allocation with AWS Cost and Usage Reports
  • Estimation of baseline and peak demand and usage
  • Dynamic planning and budgeting using the most recent pricing model and cloud optimization services with AWS Budgets
AWS Migration - Assessing The Fit

We provide a cost cloud optimization guarantee of at least 20% right out of the door – thanks to the power of our automated resource utilization analyzer tool. As customers migrate their workloads with like-to-like matching, there are almost always capacities that sit idle, so we tune the size and fill in more boxes (containers) onto ships (instances).

Cloud cost often grows out of proportion due to data storage and access requirements. Customers often feel locked in using traditional databases with punitive licensing fees – we can help by migrating data onto managed databases, removing additional licensing, and reducing the DBA effort required. Also, by placing data and applications that use that data, and tweaking the data access patterns, we can reduce your data egress cost, or as customers say, it has worked wonders for them!

Cloud pricing is an art in itself. The benefits of cloud economics can be realized through better architecture. Changing engines mid-flight is always a daunting task, that’s why our professional Cloud Architects work with our customers to affect such changes with minimal impact on your production workloads, if any.

How we help you
  • Utilization metrics of deployed resources
  • Resource grouping using containerization to improve utilization
  • Match resource needs with rightly sized compute, database, and storage
  • Procure AWS resources using the right pricing model – leverage reserved pricing and spot pricing
  • Cost reduction using various AWS funding programs for migrations, new workloads, and specialized workloads
Preparing for take-off

The AWS cloud landscape is dynamic – it is not very easy for customers to stay on top of all the latest pricing changes. Price reduction to services/instances in use takes effect automatically, but AWS is an innovation powerhouse. New instance types, storage tiers, and managed services come out all the time. As AWS evangelists, we are always on top of these trends and always on the lookout for our customers as to where they can leverage new features/services to optimize their cost structure and reduce the burden of infrastructure management.

Our culture of taking ownership is infectious – our customers benefit when their finance, infrastructure, and engineering teams work alongside our FinOps practitioners, they see the value in adopting an owner mindset. Using a combination of technologies and best practices, we help customers’ teams become more responsible in creating their budgets and procuring resources in a self-serve manner, while maintaining overall budgeting policies.

We don’t leave it out as an afterthought regarding business continuity. Following our data-driven approach, we actively look at your SLAs and create a backup and recovery strategy that works, while not overly cautious. To increase confidence in the strategy, we effectively test it on a regular cadence – this stops spillage and ensures better business continuity.

How we help you
  • Automated continuous monitoring of resource utilization
  • Stay on top of recent pricing changes, more cost-effective instances/services
  • Re-architecture guidance to leverage managed services to reduce staffing overhead
  • Cost reduction through infrastructure automation, reducing manual infrastructure management overhead
  • Actively managed backup and disaster recovery
  • Organizational change management – self-service procurement with ownership by business units
Solutions services
Solutions services

Why Jade

The right partner with the right approach and teams for a distinctive edge.

  • Deep expertise in application and infrastructure-managed service
    • Partnership with Oracle, NetSuite, SAP, and Salesforce – unmatched skills in enterprise application management
    • Partnership with Boomi and MuleSoft – a leader in Enterprise Integration
  • Managed service culture – we build it, we own it
    • Whether it is Enterprise apps, Integration layer, or the underlying infrastructure – we always stand by what we build – our customers rely on us to make their IT work – a no-nonsense approach to value delivery
  • Access to untapped talent pool from India’s most forward-thinking universities
  • Well-oiled talent development machine through IMPROVE program
    • We hire the best; more than that, we groom the best
    • Seven-step process to turn savvy minds into battle-hardened professionals in under six months

Customer Benefits

  • Time to market – reduced by 30%
  • Distributed AGILE Delivery Model (DADM)saves TCO by over 25%
  • Increased end-user adoption with a market research-led approach to CX
  • Seamless delivery: highly available for US time zones
  • Dedicated teams – the top talent in PODs as an extension of client teams
  • Ease of engagement: 4 weeks to onboard, 4-week termination
Solutions services

How Can We Help You?

Jade’s latest solutions, success stories, and visions for the future. Explore our insights to discover trends, capabilities, and industry approaches that will transform your business and deliver a fresh perspective.

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