
Jade Global helped Backcountry implement scalable data pipelines to fetch streaming data from Retail Stores and transport it to external vendors. These secure data pipelines are being utilized to feed Backcountry and external vendors with datasets, to help them with reporting and analytics needs.





About the Client

Backcountry.com is an online specialty retailer that sells clothing and outdoor recreation gear for hiking, camping, road biking, mountain biking, rock climbing, winter sports, fly fishing, kayaking, rafting, road and trail running, and more.

Backcountry roots may be in the cloud, but people’s lifestyle revolves around shared adventures in the real world. With their new collection of stores, one can get personalized outdoor advice—and swap trail stories—with their Gearheads and get help with everything from custom bike builds and camp kits to mountain town style pointers.

Business Requirements

Backcountry is opening several stores across the US and implementing Oracle xStore POS products. This POS system generates different types of transaction logs daily. These messages are being published from store POS systems to Oracle xCenter. Further, from xCenter, these messages flow to the Store hub system in the XML format and then get published to Store Orchestrator. Store Orchestrator is an internal Backcountry system that converts these XML messages to JSON format and publishes them to Google Pub/Sub topics for Data Platform to consume.

The requirement was to create secured data pipelines which could consume these streaming transaction logs in JSON format and store it in BigQuery semi-structured tables to address reporting and analytics needs.

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Business Challenges


Newly upgraded cloud environment with no streaming or outbound feed integrations.


It was challenging to transform JSON format data into BigQuery semi-structured tables.


Setting up dynamic independence to run parallel jobs without impacting the performance of the GCP instance.


Third-party system integrations require cloud-to-cloud and SFTP feed management.

The Solution

  • Implemented inbound feeds/APIs that require real-time streaming data from retail stores.
  • Applied multiple business rules to clean up data and created a one-to-one mapping for various store transactions.
  • Implemented automation to data feed solutions to fulfill business needs.
  • Leveraged the next-gen capabilities offered by the latest GCP platform.
  • Implemented GCP Data Engineering best practices for end-to-end data feed management.

The Business Benefits

  • Quicker insight into the product inventory and sales information, which in fact, enabled businesses to make better forecasting decisions and executions.
  • Improved software systems with the accessibility to near-re al-time store transaction events.
  • Increased ROI with the ability to quickly analyze, collect and act on current data, which provided Backcountry a competitive advantage in the marketplace.
  • Reduced losses as real-time intelligence provided warnings of impending issues.
  • Real-time intelligence made Backcountry more responsive to market trends, customer needs, and business opportunities.

"Thanks for going above and beyond on this key company initiative, as part of Retail POS project deliveries. You have set the bar high with your efforts. Have heard nothing but good things from the BC Leads about your team"

Prasad Govekar, Director of Data and Analytics


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