Application Modernization AWS | Cloud Modernization | Get Free Assessment

AWS Cloud Modernization

You’ve embraced the cloud – now let us rearchitect to take full advantage of AWS.

You have just completed your long cloud migration; now that most of your business applications are running on the cloud, you can deploy applications in minutes and no longer worry about your data center capacity. However, lifting and shifting were always stop-gap measures. Now is the time to fine-tune your application architecture and move towards being truly cloud-native.

As you look to modernize your enterprise-scale applications with a goal towards continuous architecture evolution, better developer workflows, operational excellence through automation, and provision of self-service data and infrastructure resources for your teams, we can help maximize the value added using our unique application modernization framework.

Using this framework, we can make data-driven decisions to analyze your legacy workloads running on the cloud and integrate them with new technologies such as containers, serverless, real-time data and event engines, modern databases, and storage platforms.


Jade cloud migration – cloud-based modernization services

From development, testing, and deployment to procurement, continuous monitoring, and operations – we cover it all to add the most value through your investment in AWS.

Modernization strategies always start with business needs in mind. Once our customers start moving workloads to the cloud, they look to develop capabilities, reduce time-to-market, open new channels for customers/partners, respond to incidents and market needs faster, handle mergers and acquisitions better, and be in control of security and compliance.

These give rise to technical needs – lowering TCO, removing the reliance on old-guard vendors, and reducing technical debt from legacy systems. They realize these are possible by simplifying their portfolio, utilizing managed service offerings from AWS, and automating operational pipeline streamlining.

At Jade, following our culture of ownership – we start with your key business stakeholders, identify the key drivers that will shape your digital native future, and work diligently with your technical teams to take you there. Thanks to our flexible delivery model, we do not require you to go big bang on this. We work in close collaboration with you, focus on specific functional areas/applications, modernize those sustainably, and help you gather organizational learning, so you can maintain, extend, deploy, and manage them in a way that meets your current and future business needs.

Our Capabilities

Not all applications are built equal and when it comes to modernization, each needs to be carefully assessed. We use a modernization questionnaire to assess your applications through five lenses – whether the application fits your strategic and business needs, whether the application fits your financial need, whether the application is functionally adequate, whether it is technically adequate, and how ready the application is for digital transformation.

Through interviews with your business and technical readiness, we create a grouping and ranking of applications that, when modernized, would add the most value with minimal disruption. We also build key technologies, provide regulatory requirements and data conversion needs, develop target and interim architectures, and operating models. This helps reduce friction later in the journey and sets clear expectations for all stakeholders.

Our AWS Cloud Modernization practice and Application Development and Modernization (ADM) practice work closely in building this roadmap. Adopting a holistic view of your Enterprise, we identify all that can be improved and estimate cost vs. return, making it easier for you to create a solid business case and plan for your AWS modernization.

How we help you
  • Detailed AWS modernization assessment of applications: architecture, deployment, database, and licensing.
  • Creation of modernization blueprint: reference architectures, data migrations, and operational procedures.
  • Business-technology fitment: demonstrate digital readiness.
AWS Migration - Assessing The Fit

We work with customers at various stages of cloud maturity levels. Some customers already have a robust landing zone and security, networking defined on the AWS cloud, and well-defined access boundaries. In contrast, others might have just moved a few applications with no established cloud governance. Our approach to starting small and building momentum with experience works for both types of customers.

Based on the established modernization roadmap and the priority drivers, we execute 8 to 12-week sprints. During these sprints, we work side-by-side with your application teams to model each component (e.g., network, storage, database, servers, deployments configurations), deconstruct the model into building blocks using AWS technologies such as containers (EKS, ECS), serverless (Lambda, Kinesis), databases (Aurora), and storage (S3, glacier), etc.

In addition, we consider adding peripheral features such as event and incident management through CloudWatch and SNS, provisioning and configuration management through Service Catalog and CloudFormation, resource inventory management through AWS Config, Capacity planning using AWS Trusted Advisor, Reporting and analytics through OpenSearch, Kinesis, and QuickSight.

Alongside this, we leverage DevOps by using CI/CD tools and mechanisms and continue to develop operating procedures for newly re-architected/re-platformed/re-factored applications. By the end of the sprint, we can clearly demonstrate the value through a set of previously determined KPI measures and are in a position to split and seed, essentially repeating the success over again for the other application/functional areas.

How we help you
  • Create a modernization roadmap with milestones
  • Target state data model design
  • Implement loosely coupled, event-oriented architectures around lightweight compute environments with clean separation of state
  • Enable self-service provisioning of elastic AWS infrastructure
  • Redefined operating model with measurement for delivery effectiveness
Preparing for take-off

We recognize that modernizing your legacy stack might pose additional challenges to your existing staff members, introducing complexity in monitoring and operationalizing the new stack. Therefore, we follow a platform engineering approach to prevent death by a thousand tools . We provide your teams with a detailed understanding of application characteristics and empower them with platform services that we build that helps reduce variability and operations; thereby, reducing the risk of modernization.

Using multi-account, multi-region/AZ, resource tagging, security strategy for platform governance, and audit compliance; extensive monitoring of cloud metrics, alerting and automation for incident management, integrations with your existing operational toolsets for event and incident management; leveraging AWS CI/CD pipeline and toolset for provision, configuration, and release management are some of the examples of how we consider various functional capabilities of your application platform and work to attain those.

For your team to have greater confidence in the newly minted operational procedures, we conduct game days designed to simulate incidents and stress on your AWS infrastructure. These tests help your teams better grasp CPU, memory, network characteristics of applications, and incidents and threats that can occur, and manage the risk better through the use of well-tested and automated operational procedures.

Finally, to reduce variance in ongoing modernization, we create templates from the above and repeat the formula for success, effectively productionizing your modernization factory.

How We Help You
  • Operations automation and testing
  • Establish event and incident management processes
  • Automate security controls
  • Conduct operations readiness workshops
Solutions services
Solutions services

Why Jade

Right partner with the right approach and teams for a distinctive edge.

  • Deep expertise in application and infrastructure managed service
    • Partnership with Oracle, NetSuite, SAP, and Salesforce with unmatched skills in enterprise application management
    • Partnership with Boomi and MuleSoft – a leader in Enterprise Integration
  • Managed service culture – we build it, we own it
    • Whether it’s Enterprise apps, Integration layer, or the underlying infrastructure, we always stand by what we build, and our customers rely on us for just making their IT work with a no-nonsense approach to value delivery
  • Access to an untapped talent pool from India’s most forward-thinking universities
  • Well-oiled talent development machine through our IMPROVE program
    • We hire the best; more than that, we groom the best
    • Seven-step process to turn savvy minds into battle-hardened professionals in under six months

Customer Benefits

  • Time to market – reduced by 30%
  • Distributed AGILE Delivery Model (DADM)saves TCO by over 25%
  • Increased end-user adoption with a market research-led approach to CX
  • Seamless delivery: highly available for US time zones
  • Dedicated teams – the top talent in PODs as an extension of client teams
  • Ease of engagement: 4 weeks to onboard, 4-week termination
Solutions services

How Can We Help You?

Jade’s latest solutions, success stories, and visions for the future. Explore our insights to discover trends, capabilities, and industry approaches that will transform your business and deliver a fresh perspective.

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