Industry: Hi-tech

About the Client

The client, provider of industry's leading data platform for AI and Analytics, enables enterprises to inject analytics into their business processes to increase revenue, reduce costs, and mitigate risks. It addresses the data complexities of high-scale and mission-critical distributed processing from the cloud to the edge, IoT analytics, and container persistence. Global 2000 enterprises trust it’s Data Platform to help them solve their most complex AI and analytics challenges.

Business Requirements

The client’s business requirement called for automated integration of orders, invoices, and financial transactions. From Salesforce to NetSuite alone, Jade Global needed to create separate data processes, such as creation, change or cancellation of orders. There was also a need to integrate RevSym to help automate the revenue recognition process. This case study outlines the process Jade Global took:

  • Synching of complex product/bundle scenario integration from Salesforce to NetSuite
  • Automating the revenue recognition process among various enterprise applications like Salesforce, NetSuite and RevSym
  • Creation, change, and cancellation of orders to be integrated from SFDC to NetSuite
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Solution Outline

  • End-to-end architecture and solution design to integrate various end points; CRM, ERP, RevPro, and Google Gmail
  • Designed and implemented solution to transform and load transactional data from ERP to Amazon S3, which was further consumed by RevPro
  • Bulk batch processing of data to handle high-volume transactions
  • Customized error handling and messaging
  • Updating multiple error message on Salesforce side from NetSuite


  • Bundle and product were synced with each system
  • Enabled fast processing of data flow from one system and no need
  • Automated transactions at schedule intervals among various enterprise
  • applications to make data available at each end
  • Provided scalability and customizable architecture to deal with future needs or technology upgrade
  • Eliminated complexities of upload and entering data which was earlier done manually
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