Get control of services across Private/Public Clouds

Migrating your existing systems to cloud don't need to an overhaul. Our solutions reduce the cost and risk of transition to Cloud through IP driven solutions with clearly defined processes and predictable outcomes that focus on meeting the customer’s requirements. Cloud migration is necessary to bridge the gap in business demand and IT capacity. Cloud Migration Services identify areas of risk and opportunities for improving the performance and availability of critical business functions. The Cloud Equalizer is a Cloud migration solution designed with close collaboration of Enterprise IT and Line of Business owners.

We help organizations leverage the Oracle Cloud making it more agile and scalable for any workload – Oracle or third party regardless of operating systems, databases, VMs, and languages. With Oracle Cloud, organizations can have a real time monitoring and analytics reported from infrastructure to databases which includes applications.

Below are the benefits of going ahead with cloud migration with Jade

  • Substantial Cost Reduction Reduces the cost of running your web-scale IT by 50% and provides up to 99.99% SLA for business application
  • Comprehensive Control Experience end-to-end visibility and control of services across private/public Clouds and an assurance of security and compliance
  • Reduced Time to Market Experience a reduced time to market, time to fix and complexity while enabling live migration, auto-scaling, self-repair, and self-protection

How Can We Help You?

Jade’s latest solutions, success stories, and visions for the future. Explore our insights to discover trends, capabilities, and industry approaches that will transform your business and deliver a fresh perspective.

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