Crucial Step in Intelligent Automation & Optimization: Creating a CoE

A survey by EY suggests that 30-50% of initial RPA projects fail to realize their expected returns. The survey further reveals the reason behind failure are common mistakes like – Insufficient analysis of processes, lack of experienced resources, and involvement of the right set of stakeholders and IT

ABBYY survey (of 400 senior directors, managing directors, owners, and C-level) reveals that 38% feel the reason for failure is a complexity

Though, Advisory Services, Implementation Services, and Managed Robot Operation (MRO) are offered to various customers as separate services per customer needs, but to drive automation as a strategic initiative for any customer, Jade Global establishes the CoE as either a centralized or federated unit, based on the spread of Intelligent Automation initiative across the organization.

The CoE in its portfolio encompasses Advisory, Implementation, and Managed Robot Operation (MRO) services and governance, Architectural Control, and PMO services. CoE becomes an over-arching body for various Intelligent Automation initiatives, including key experts, developers, testers, and executives. Everyone in CoE works together with a common goal by defining Intelligent Automation strategy, establishing best practices and methodologies, governance for oversight, control, learnings, and knowledge sharing, and finally rolling out change management effectively.


The robust center of excellence with a foundation of tools, assets, processes, and re-usability will meet stakeholders’ expectations on timeliness and ROI.

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