About the client

An American massive open online course provider aimed at professional adults and students.


Online Education

Business Challenges

An online education company in the U.S. faced a unique set of challenges due to its complex data ecosystem. The company’s business operations were heavily reliant on multiple sources of data, which ultimately led to both organizational and technical inefficiencies. During this case study, you will witness the evolution of this company from its initial data warehouse setup to its current operations as they strive to meet the growing needs of their customers in an increasingly digital world.

Business Outcomes

They were looking for a platform with which they could consolidate and standardize access to all data sources from applications to let business users access data of different types in a single place. Jade Global leveraged Business reporting tool Looker.

Jade Global modernized and expanded the company’s data warehouse platform by leveraging and extending the benefits of Snowflake to enhance reporting workflows and deliver new levels of analytics and data flexibility

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