Getting Started with Azure Static Web Apps (SWA) – Blog

Nowadays, more and more apps are built on front-end frameworks like Angular or React, or VueJS, where, a lot of work that would happen on the server-side has now shifted to the browser. These apps need different hosting capabilities than your normal ASP.NET or Express.js applications. We need to serve static files quickly and ideally. Distribute the static content worldwide, super close to the users, when they try to access the application to load fast.

Azure Static Webapps is the service built for these types of apps. At its core, Azure Static web apps make it easy to take your code from your local machine to a source control repository like GitHub or Azure DevOps. Every time you push a commit to repo, we will automatically build and deploy your application to Azure. All static content will get globally distributed automatically. In case of any back-end logic, you can create a serverless API using Azure Functions as an option. You can source control that function app in the same repository as the rest of your web app. They can be built and deployed for the entire application as one unit.


Azure Static Webapps ship with a CLI that helps communicate between the front-end framework and back-end function app locally because they are on two different endpoints lawfully.

You can install CLI from NPM


After Installing CLI, you can use the command line below


Features of Static Web Apps:

  • Integration with Authentication Providers – Twitter, GitHub, Azure Active Directory
  • Custom Domains – Ability to configure custom domains
  • Web Hosting – Managing your app so that you don’t worry about infrastructure
  • Globally Distributed – Your Content is on multiple servers around the globe, so the server closest to your user will be the one that supplies it making it the fastest possible for every one of your users
  • Integration with GitHub and Azure DevOps – To Manage and understand your Pull request that triggers an automated workflow to deploy on Azure
  • API Integration – Azure Functions provides an option to link with your existing Azure functions.
  • Free SSL Certificates – Azure provides free SSL certificates for your custom domain.
  • Back-end Routing – You can define rules for more than one route in your static web app. Back-end Routing rules allow you to restrict access to users in specific roles or perform actions like redirect or rewrite.

Hosting Plans


Free Plan

Standard Plan



$9 per app per month

Custom Domains



SSL Certificates



Azure Functions


Managed/Bring your own

Custom Authentication






Create your first Web App (Azure Static)

There are several paths to creating an Azure Static Web app.

  • Using Visual Studio Code
  • Using Azure Portal
  • Using Azure CLI

First, let us see how to create using Visual Studio Code

Step 1: Make sure you are logged in to Visual Studio code with your Azure subscription.

Step 2: Within VS Code, click on the Azure logo on the left side bar to open Azure Extension Window as shown below
Azure Azure

Step 3: Select >Static Web Apps

Step 4: Select + sign


Step 5: Create fresh code/clone existing from GitHub or Azure DevOps code repository


Make sure you are logged in to your GitHub account from your Visual Studio Code

Create a Git repository in your local drive using the git command like

Create two folders like below

Now in Visual Studio Code, type shortcut Ctrl + Shift + P, which will open the command palette


Start typing Azure Static Web Apps: Create Static Web App


It will ask you to enter your Application Name




For instance, I chose Angular



If you choose to Clone a project from an existing GitHub


Then code will be opened from your local code repository like below


Where API folder will have Azure functions and src will have Front-end framework like React, Angular or VueJS

Authenticate Users with your first Azure Static Web App

Authentication is the best way to verify and identify a user trying to access the system.

Azure static web apps manage authentication, verifying the user’s identity out of the box. You have access to pre-configured (series) authentication providers or the option to register a custom provider. The pre-configured ones include Azure Active Directory, GitHub, Twitter

To implement a complete authentication workflow in a Static Web app. We can use a set of system endpoints that will enable us to add functionality like login, login and retrieve, and authentication related to user information.

Pre-Configured Identity Provider

Login Route

Azure Active Directory






To get login status information, use this query /.auth/me in our client application

To logout current user /.auth/logout?post_logout_redirect_uri={redirect}

All authentication providers are enabled by default. We can add rules to the routing configuration file to restrict an authentication provider.

To write rules for the routing configuration file, we need staticwebapp.config.json. Usually, this is available in the folder that we define as the app location.

Let’s say we want to disable the GitHub authentication provider, and then the configuration looks like


To restrict the access to a specific API, the configuration looks like


Things to remember before going to publish SWA

Azure Static Web Apps (SWA) is designed to host applications where the source code lives on GitHub. When you create a Static Web App, you’ll sign in to GitHub and specify the repository containing your app’s code.





App location /

Location of your web app source code


App Build Output location dist

Location of your app build output which is relative to your app


API location API

Location of the API source code

You may end up seeing a 404 error when you refresh your page. The browser sends a request to the hosting platform to serve the page as there is no page on the server to operate.

We can quickly resolve this issue by creating a fallback route.

A fallback route matches all unmatched page requests to the server.

SWA supports custom routing defined in the file staticwebapp.config.json and expects to be in output_location by default. Also, you can configure your app to use rules that implement a fallback routing  like below


This rule will tell SWA to serve index.html when a request for a resource is not found.

A wildcard filter can also be used.

Excluding the CSS and IMAGES as shown in exclude expression.


This way, you only have one version of your codebase and can easily track changes. You can modify the code in your functions app, and it will automatically get deployed to the same endpoint as your web app. You can use any language or framework in your functions app. It’s a perfect way to build small utilities or side-projects without the complexity of setting up a full-stack web app. This will help keep your builds, deployments, and source control clean and straightforward. No more wondering which code went live and when. You can use the webhooks feature to pull data from webhooks endpoints and trigger data updates in your application. This will further automate the build and deployment process in your application. Azure Static Web Apps are a handy tool for developers, and it’s beneficial to get from code to Azure in a matter of minutes.

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About the Author

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Poorna Chandra Ravi

Senior Solution Architect, Jade

Poorna Chandra Ravi is a Senior Solution Architect for Application Development practice. He has led Microsoft solutions for various clients, among other projects related to application development related to .Net and Azure. Senior Solution Architect with 12 years of experience in Software Development with high quality and innovative ideas. Expertise in .Net, Azure DevOps, Web Development, Architecture.

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