It is not uncommon for organizations to adopt a traditional project-based approach in adopting the Cloud as an infrastructure layer to their existing products and IT operations. However, adding the Cloud to the mix is challenging, especially regarding governance, planning, and cloud operations for our customers that have traditionally owned and managed their infrastructure with tight governance control. Adopting the instant nature of cloud-based provisioning while maintaining visibility and operational agility often becomes challenging.

Providing transparency and control in a complex world of cloud cost management

We believe in adopting a proactive approach in cloud operations – outlining a solid AWS Cloud operating model as part of your overall value-chain, rather than as means to recover from outages or deal with breaches. Our Cloud Operations Framework is therefore built upon six core pillars:

  • Governance
  • Compliance
  • Orchestration
  • Observability
  • Cloud Operations Management
  • Financial Management

We enable our customers to adopt a product mindset regarding Cloud operations, whereby critical metrics along the six pillars are clearly defined and continuously tracked by the platform engineering teams that own the cloud platform as a product. This product underlines all value-generating activities of your business.


Jade Cloud Operations Framework – an Operating System to Manage the Cloud for You

Platform engineering to promote a culture of ownership, with full accountability – to promote innovation

Providing managed infrastructure services for our customers over two decades, we realized that they are hungry to extend the culture of DevOps and manage their infrastructure and cloud operations using the same discipline, which has not always been so easy. Now, with modern-day cloud-based infrastructure provisioning, monitoring, deployment, and security tools, we can make that a reality. We build their Cloud platform as a product with defined user-centric attributes.

In adopting a product-centric approach to Cloud operations, we work with your application owners to understand the needs for those teams to have their workload run on your Cloud platform. Our platform team engages with business and technical stakeholders to constantly seek feedback and iteratively develop features and improvements.

Six pillars of our platform development are built on five foundational principles of the AWS Cloud operating model:

  • Define and measure – allows us to set realistic goals and measure progress – over time, helps in evolving into more mature SRE practices
  • Automation – reduces toil, increases consistency – allowing for faster turnaround, leading to faster time-to-market
  • Built-in security – helps adopt robust security posture in every layer, allows teams to focus on the security of their respective workload and data
  • Standardization – increases adoption, reduces variability – enables teams to balance innovation and sustainability
  • Optimize cost – builds a culture of ownership, transparency, and accountability
  Governance Compliance Orchestration Observability Operations Management Financial Management

Define and


SLAs and SLOs

Data classification

Industry standards


Resource load and scale-out/scale-in triggers

Steady state definition

Mean failure rate

Mean time to resolve

Release velocity

Forecast and budget

Cost allocation by project/department

Target ROI


Rule based policy enforcement

Intelligent threat detection

Automated resource discovery and configuration

Continuous logging and monitoring

Self-serve provisioning

Declarative infrastructure

Application telemetry

Alert on threshold and breaches

Automated runbooks

Proactive issue resolution based on operational insights

Auto scaling

Spending alert

Built-in Security Centralized security hub

Separate Audit account

Secure monitoring dashboard

Encryption of data

VPC, Security Groups

Scanned AMIs

Separate logging account

Role based access

Securely managed instances

Built-in safety controls to reduce error

Alert on resource creation/change

Multi-account standards

Org level enforcement

Well architected Review

Rules that reflect organization’s policies Service Catalog Unified dashboard Manage application with contextual data Match sizing to workloads and environments – enforce through policy
Optimize cost

Account groups

Master payer account

Use Machine learning for audit and remediation

Right sizing

Consumption model matching

Managed service

Managed Service

Data life cycle

Reduce variability

Reduce manpower overhead

Spot instance utilization

Reserved Instance and capacity management


Our Capabilities

We start with establishing cloud governance and controls when setting up an AWS environment for our customers. Creating the proper foundation for your cloud environment allows you to exercise centralized, automated, fine-grained control over resources that helps you to minimize security risks and manage compliance over your applications and resources.

While setting up a multi-account structure using AWS Control Tower sets the foundation of your governance, we fine-tune your environments by creating dedicated account groups according to functions and apply organizational policies to these groups to ensure continuous compliance. Moreover, we use various services under Security Hub to centrally view and manage security checks, along with intelligent threat detection to continuously protect your workloads and data against internal errors and external threats.

Our customers often have existing ITSM tools, and they might already be using service catalog and CMDB platforms, such as ServiceNow. Instead of reinventing, we simplify cloud operations using Service Management Connector. It makes it easier to provide curated AWS-based workloads to teams in a self-serve manner. Enabling real-time federation of AWS resources with your existing assets allows you to leverage your current AWS cloud operational toolchain to respond to and remediate issues and threats to your cloud assets.

How we help you
  • Multi-Account strategy with Organization level governance
  • Continuous compliance using AWS services and integration with existing IT management tools
  • Intelligent threat detection and automated remediation
  • Provide prescriptive guidance on optimizing management and governance through a Well-Architected review
AWS Migration - Assessing The Fit

When you run your workload on the public Cloud, cloud providers ensure their infrastructure’s security and compliance, but that is half the story. Security is a shared responsibility, as they say. We help you plan for and adopt appropriate security postures for your data and your application and maintain compliance with the workloads that you run on Cloud.

Our secret behind running secure and compliant workloads for our customers is building them into governance and operational toolchains and not leaving them as an afterthought. More specifically, we help you keep an eye on your policies, resource creations and changes, application and infrastructure logs, network traffic, and any other activity on your AWS account. By establishing continuous data collection pipelines, securely storing and auditing the collected data, allowing to be ready to respond in real-time when issues happen and are prepared for audit and compliance at all times.

This approach of proactive data collection and analysis helps you maintain security and compliance of your mission critical workloads, and better observability also improves your application availability and performance. For example, by analyzing logs, metrics and traces, your cloud operations team can quickly detect, investigate and remediate any problems before they impact your SLA.

How we help you
  • Continuous logging of every activity
  • Continuous audit of resource configuration and usage
  • Automatic enforcement of rules and policies
Preparing for take-off

Enterprises today choose to operate on various infrastructure platforms – public Cloud, private Cloud, on-premises data centers, and any combination. While this gives them the flexibility to house their workload where they belong, teams now must shoulder greater responsibility and collaborate across the board to ensure a safe and secure operating platform with optimal use of resources. This can be done by abstracting away the platform resources with a centrally orchestrated provisioning and resource management layer. So, our approach is to institute a centralized IT cloud operations practice based on declarative infrastructure that spans the platform boundaries, using a variety of approaches, such as:

  • Using the Hashicorp toolset to provision resources in a platform-agnostic manner
  • Using VMWare based virtual Cloud with a control plane that spans across platforms
  • Using containerized workloads with Kubernetes-based control planes that can be operated on any platforms

The key to success for centralized IT operations is centralized observability. So, we built accelerators beyond what a single cloud provider natively offers. With this monitoring platform built on top of Prometheus and Grafana, you can gather, correlate, visualize and analyze data from multiple platforms and monitor your applications’ health, performance, and availability – all from one place. Combined with our automated provision and operational run books, this gives you a truly one-touch command center dashboard. Our customers say they don’t get into those all-hands-on-deck meetings anymore, thanks to our centralized approach to managing a decentralized world.

How we can help you
  • Continuous observability
  • Declarative resource provisioning
  • Capacity planning and management
  • Gather operational insights for proactive issue resolution
  • Automated runbooks
Solutions services
Solutions services

Why Jade

Right partner with the right approach and teams for a distinctive edge.

  • Deep expertise in application and infrastructure managed service
    • Partnership with Oracle, NetSuite, SAP, and Salesforce – unmatched skills in enterprise application management
    • Partnership with Boomi, MuleSoft – a leader in Enterprise Integration
  • Managed service culture – we build it, we own it
    • Whether it is Enterprise apps, Integration layer, or the underlying infrastructure – we always stand by what we build – our customers rely on us in just making their IT work – a no-nonsense approach to value delivery
  • Well-oiled talent development machine through – IMPROVE program
    • We do hire the best; more than that, we groom the best
    • Seven-step process to turn savvy minds into battle-hardened professionals in under six months

Customer Benefits

  • Time to market – reduced by 30%
  • Distributed AGILE Delivery Model (DADM)saves TCO by over 25%
  • The increased end-user adoption with the market research-led approach to CX
  • Seamless delivery: highly available for US time zones
  • Dedicated teams – the top talent in PODs as an extension of client teams
  • Ease of engagement: 4 weeks to onboard, 4-week termination
Solutions services

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