Are you struggling to see the complete picture of your business because data resides in too many disparate locations?

A survey by McKinsey found that total budgets for data-related initiatives increased 50% across 2019-2021 (compared to 2016-2018) — a large part of that came from simply better understanding and managing data.

Most companies typically use 10+ applications and data from ERP, MRP, CRM, Forecasting, Customer Surveys, Excel worksheets, etc. Turning data from these myriad sources into business insights is challenging. It is time-consuming to provide this data for executives in a consistent manner to help them make critical business decisions.

Watch our on demand webinar, “Power BI Analytics to Accelerate Enterprise Decision Making”, where Speaker, Mohammed Sayeed walks you through some of the key metrics required to be managed by executives, and ways to achieve this with Power BI.

The on demand webinar demonstrates Power BI’s strengths to integrate and aggregate data from many sources such as databases, online services, different files, and design data models for faster delivery of BI solutions that provide an end-to-end view of the business.

What will you learn:

  • Leveraging Power BI’s capabilities to create a supercharged analytical environment
  • Power BI Reference architecture – Bring your data to life quickly!
  • Building on your existing BI investments: Best practices to boost ROI through data analytics and visualization
  • Client Speak: Albert Ding, Senior Data Scientist, Veracode
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