Jade Global brings you a FREE week-long Oracle ERP Health-Checkup program to boost the efficacy of your Oracle Enterprise Applications. 

Jade Global can help! Sign into Jade’s FREE week-long Oracle Enterprise Applications Health-Checkup Program, and un-tap the true potential of your Oracle ERP.

This health-checkup program will help you identify the gaps restricting productivity in your ERP systems and accordingly find solutions to boost their efficiency and cost savings


Jade Global’s Specializations in Oracle Enterprise Applications

Jade's innovative Oracle ERP solutions have evolved through expertise, experience, and collaborative work regimes. Having numerous Oracle certifications, we are prepared to drive advantages across various industries, spanning multiple geographies and business lifecycle stages. With our long-standing alliance with Oracle, we are delivering the following services.

  • Consulting services / Advisory
  • Implementations (EBS, Cloud, NetSuite)
  • Upgrade services
  • Development services
  • Oracle IaaS / PaaS services
  • Prebuild technology & industry solutions:
  • Hi-tech & Life sciences
  • Managed services

Oracle Service Line Overview




Projects Delivered








Oracle Cloud & Netsuit Projects


prebuilt solutions & Accelerators


Micro Vertical Solution

oracle oracle


The Business Benefits of Jade Global’s Oracle ERP Health-Checkup

Jade Global, a leading digital transformation organization from Silicon Valley, brings to you Enterprise Applications Health-Checkup program to help you identify the gaps restricting productivity in your ERP systems and accordingly find solutions to boost their efficiency and cost savings.

  • Identify opportunities to improve the productivity of your current processes
  • Take full advantage of underutilized application features and functions
  • Align application platform with current and future business needs
  • Automate and integrate business process
  • Improve IT efficiency and lower total cost of ownership
  • Detect knowledge gaps within your team
  • Understand the benefit and value drivers for future improvement initiatives

Jade’s Oracle ERP Health-Checkup Methodology

Jade’s time proven ERP Heath Checkup Methodology brings tools, templates, approach and experience to
understand core business drivers, applying appropriate health checkup consideration, identifying gaps that
helps to bring improvement areas and recommend plan.



Complementary Health-Checkup Package

Business Processes Health Check

  • Plan to Produce (Discrete Manufacturing)
  • Quote to Cash (Sales, Shipping Execution, Fulfillment)
  • Procure to Pay (Purchasing, Receiving, Payment)
  • Record to Report (Accounting)
  • Approval Management (Procurement, Expense, Invoice)
  • Acquire to Retire (Fixed Assets)
  • Period Close Process
    • Month End / Quarter End / Year End
  • Applicability of new features and functionality
    • 22D, 23A

Accounting Compliance and Reconciliation Health Check

  • AP Accrual Reconciliation 
  • Fixed Asset Reconciliation
  • Revenue Reconciliation
  • Intercompany Reconciliation
  • GL Vs Subledger Reconciliations
  • Bank Reconciliation

Day-to-Day Plan for Complimentary Health-Checkup


  • Key Business Drivers​
    • Business Imperatives​
    • Top-level Requirements​
  • Workshops​
    • Business Process Review​
    • Reconciliation and Compliance Review​
    • Review pain points and Improvement Opportunities​
    • Collect Key Metrics and Data from the application environment.​


  • Process Gap Analysis​
  • Unused Functionalities​
  • Appropriateness of Application Configurations​
  • Data Scenarios ​
  • Detect knowledge gaps within the team​
  • Identify specific areas to improve business processes / accounting reconciliation​


  • Health Check Report​
    • Findings (Pain & Improvement Areas)​
    • Analysis and Recommendations​
    • Improvement Plan​

Request for services

Find out more about how we can help your organization navigate its next. Let us know your areas of interest so that we can serve you better.

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