Fab-a-Lot An Automated Lot Manufacturing Solution by Jade Global

Enhance your lot-based manufacturing efficiency by 15% with Jade Global's Fab-a-Lot NetSuite solution that secures revenue and optimizes transactions.

This datasheet provides details about our automated Lot manufacturing Solution: Fab-a-Lot.

Using Fab-a-Lot, you can effortlessly trace the journey of each lot, gain control over lot operations, and eliminate manual efforts for tasks like lot split, merge, and translation.

Why Do You Need a Solution Like Fab-a-Lot?

Managing lot-based manufacturing amid multiple subcontracted operations is challenging. Manual processes and visibility issues lead to missed opportunities, delayed customer responses, revenue loss, and high inventory costs.

Most applications lack integrated, efficient, and digital lot-based manufacturing features. Without an integrated lot-based manufacturing solution, tasks like lot split, merger, translation, and traceability require a significant amount of manual effort.   

Transform Your Lot Manufacturing with Fab-a-Lot

We've crafted this Lot-manufacturing solution converging the industry's best practices and pre-built use cases to automate your lot transaction processing and eliminate costly supply chain delays.  

Fab-a-Lot combined with NetSuite ERP is your comprehensive industry-specific solution, offering complete lot genealogy visibility across your extended supply chain for automated real-time transaction processing.

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