Client - Harmonic Inc.

Industry - Telecommunications

About the Client

Harmonic Inc. is a worldwide leader in video delivery technology and services. It designs, manufactures, and markets digital and fiber optic systems. The company’s systems enable cable, satellite and wireless operators to deliver video, internet and high-speed data services. Harmonic was founded in 1999 and is headquartered in San Jose, California.

Products & Services

  • Salesforce Customer Community Maturity
  • M&A Consolidation of 2 SFDC Instances, Service Integration Optimization and SaaS Licensing Management
  • Security Model revamp

Business Challenges

  • Manually assign accessibility to folders based upon SLAs and warranty
  • Merging two production orgs
  • Customer support

Business Requirements

  • Development of a software download process to provide customers with access to viable folders associated with specific SLAs and warranties
  • Out-of-the-box Salesforce Community implementation within 1 month to allow customers to gain self-service
  • Threshold value reduction for tracking IT tickets
  • Generation of crucial data analysis reports and data mapping, serving as a base for merging of the 2 systems
  • Complete security model analysis and revamp, purging unused profiles
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Preparing a Business Solution for Future Growth

Previously, Harmonic had to manually assign accessibility to folders based upon SLAs and warranty. In the past, they did not have an adequate way to handle customer support. Harmonic was receiving calls for product support, which was an inefficient and ineffective way for the company to deliver excellent customer experiences.

After Harmonic acquired another company, they were tasked with maintaining two separate Production Instances. This was problematic since it required users to have multiple logins. It also created data sync issues.

The Benefits

  • Insightful, analytical reports for Community to develop data for customers accessing software downloads
  • Capability for customers to receive Self Service support
  • Lowered CRM TCO ($500k in licensing cost savings per year)
  • Unified business processes
  • Improved customer experience

The Solution

Jade Global designed a rich user interface for Harmonic’s service users that automatically provides customers with access to software downloads based on their purchased Assets or Contract. This also automated termination and extensions for software download access based on the SLAs and warranties. Additionally, Jade identified important analyses to help Harmonic keep track of various systems providing software download access.

The Jade Global team helped to deploy an out-of-the-box Community for Harmonic’s self-service portal, retiring an overpaid legacy system, thus providing more adaptability over the ecosystem. This feat was accomplished within three weeks, including data migration activities.

Jade also helped with M&A consolidation strategy and data migration activities. Custom reports were created based upon Harmonic’s business needs for data analysis with accurate figures from the data migration.

Additionally, for security purposes, Jade performed a complete analysis of existing profile, helping Harmonic revamp its profile model.

I am very happy the Service Consolidation project has been launched successfully. The project in addition to consolidating the two Salesforce service applications has merged much functionality from different apps into Oracle UI to simplify and improve business processes in the service and logistics modules as well as eliminate many redundant applications.

- Santhosh Kumar
VP IT Applications, Harmonic

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