Jade Cloud Implementation Methodology | Oracle Implementation Methodology

Upgrading to the Cloud comes with its challenges in data migration, conversion, and integration and it should fit into your project plan, budget, and timeline. Jade Global helps you meet those challenges with implementation tools and Oracle Cloud Implementation Methodology that ease your journey to the Cloud. 

We have developed a cloud upgrade methodology that provides consistent results, scalable processes, documents, and a proven roadmap for cloud success. Jade’s Oracle Implementation Methodology (JCIM) maximizes the benefits of the cloud upgrade while helping you understand and mitigate the risks. JCIM is a proven methodology fine-tuned by experience. It helps realize the benefits of the Cloud quickly and efficiently. 

Jade Cloud Implementation Methodology

oracle cloud implementation The Jade Approach

We assess your readiness to move to the Oracle Cloud, including a change management plan. We identify those areas that can be strengthened before we start your journey to the Cloud. We continue with the solution design phase, considering your business requirements, and discuss the software features and functions before mapping a design.  

After the design phase, we validate the design with testing. Using an Agile hybrid approach, we guide you through multiple iterations of the solution. We then proceed with transition activities, including a project segment where we conduct parallel processing to assure good results. Finally, we go- live with the solution and help you understand and optimize your day-to-day operations. 

Along with our cloud methodology, we have a set of internal tools, the Jade Delivery Platform (JDP). JDP has been developed to bring repeatable delivery guidelines to your project and works in tandem with JCIM. JDP assures consistent uniform excellence with templates, guidelines, checklists, and a set of project management processes used by the Jade delivery team. 

JDP helps assure consistent delivery excellence and helps detect issues and risks in time to avoid most problems and leads to quick resolution of those that do occur. 

Start your journey to the Cloud with confidence .now. Assure your outcome and cut risks using Jade Oracle Cloud Implementation Methodology. 

cloud implementation methodology

Service Offerings



Our phased approach is based on leading practices tempered by our understanding of the potential trouble spots in an implementation.

Rapid Results

Rapid Results

Our supporting upgrade tools like the Jade Oracle Cloud Migrator (OCM), Jade Delivery Platform (JDP), defined documentation, and templates help you realize the benefits of the cloud in the shortest time possible.



The Jade Cloud Implementation Methodology is scalable and flexible to address the unique goals for your project.

Jade Global Cloud Implementation Methodology Phases

What Makes Jade Different

We utilize several Jade-developed tools throughout the implementation. We also stay focused on delivering true business benefits – not just a system - and we help you optimize your processes to take full advantage of the Oracle Cloud.n.

One of our biggest differentiators is our focus on transferring ownership of the processes and applications to you. When we finish our phased implementation, your stakeholders and users will have helped design the system configuration and new processes. They will be familiar with and comfortable with solution. As we step through the process, we are transferring ownership of the activities to you so that there are no surprises when you go-live.

Our change management phases run parallel to our methodology. Jade Global will guide you through the process to assure a smooth adoption and the greatest benefit from your implementation investment.


Key milestones from the Jade Global Cloud Implementation Methodology

Cloud Ready
  • Pre-project planning and Kickoff
  • Process familiarization training
  • Plan Project Tracks and Schedule
  • Identify User Roles/Privileges and Security needs
  • Conduct design workshops
  • Begin build using standard Oracle processes
  • Data Migration Strategy and Approach
  • Finalize User Roles and Data Security
  • Update Configuration Documentation
Configure & Build
  • Configure CRP Instances
  • Load Sample Data and Validate
  • Build Integrations and Extensions
  • Finalize Test Cases and Scenarios
  • Update training documentation
  • Configure UAT1/SIT Instance
  • Load Full Data and Validate
  • Test standard features and reports
  • Conduct user training
  • Draft Cutover Plan
  • Configure UAT2 Instance
  • Load Full Data and Validate
  • Test all standard features and integrations
  • Transition to your support team
  • Apply Monthly Patches
  • Upgrade as per product release schedule
  • Build further test automation
  • Work on support and enhancements

How Can We Help You?

Jade Global’s latest solutions, success stories, and visions for the future. Explore our insights to discover trends, capabilities, and industry approaches that will transform your business and deliver a fresh perspective.

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