Best Practices for Circuit Breaker Pattern in Integration Applications

Introduction to Circuit Breaker in Integration

The circuit breaker is a design pattern that can help improve the stability and resilience of integration applications. Integration applications often depend on external services or systems, such as APIs, databases, or message brokers. These dependencies can be a source of failures that can affect the performance and availability of the integration application.

The circuit breaker pattern prevents failures from propagating throughout the system by detecting and isolating them. The pattern has three main components: the circuit breaker itself, a monitoring mechanism, and a fallback mechanism.

Understanding the Circuit Breaker Component in System Integration Applications

The circuit breaker sits between the integration application and the external service or system. It monitors the requests and responses between the two and decides whether to allow or block requests based on the system’s state. If the circuit breaker detects a failure, such as a timeout or an error response, it trips and blocks further requests for a predefined period. This allows the external service or system to recover or degrade gracefully without overwhelming it with requests.

The monitoring mechanism is responsible for tracking the state of the circuit breaker and reporting it to the integration application. The monitoring mechanism can also be used to collect metrics and logs that can help diagnose and troubleshoot failures.

The fallback mechanism is a backup plan that the integration application can use when the circuit breaker is tripped. The fallback mechanism can provide an alternative response, such as a cached value, a default value, or a simplified version of the response. The fallback mechanism can also escalate the failure to a higher-level component, such as a human operator or a different system.

The problem of Handling Transient and Unanticipated Faults in a Distributed Environment

When working in a distributed environment, remote resources can fail due to transient faults. A Retry pattern can be used to handle these types of failures. However, some flaws might take longer to fix or be unanticipated, failing service or losing connectivity. In such cases, continuously retrying an operation that is unlikely to succeed is futile, and the application should quickly recognize the failure and handle it accordingly.

Moreover, an active service can cause cascading failures. An operation invoking the service might block many concurrent requests until a timeout period expires, leading to resource exhaustion and failures in other parts of the system. Setting a shorter timeout may alleviate this issue, but even successful requests may fail if it’s too short. Therefore, an operation needs to fail immediately if invoking a service is unlikely to succeed to prevent resource exhaustion and system failures.

Circuit Breaker Pattern as a Solution for Reliable System Design

The Circuit Breaker pattern, first introduced by Michael Nygard in his book, Release It!, offers a solution to prevent applications from repeatedly trying to execute an operation that’s likely to fail. It helps to avoid wasting CPU cycles while determining whether the fault is long-lasting. The Circuit Breaker pattern also enables applications to detect when the fault has been resolved, allowing them to try to invoke the operation again.

Mimicking the Functionality of an Electrical Circuit Breaker


The system keeps track of how many times the operation has failed recently. If there are too many failures in a certain time period, the system goes into a state where it won't allow the operation to proceed. After a timeout, the system lets a limited number of requests through to see if the operation works again.


The application's request fails right away and sends back an error message to the application.


In the Half-Open state, the operation can only be invoked by a small number of requests from the application. If those requests succeed, the circuit breaker assumes that the fault causing the failure has been resolved and switches back to the Closed state. However, if any request fails, the circuit breaker reverts back to the Open state, restarts the timeout timer, and assumes that the fault is still present.

Practices for Using the Circuit Breaker Pattern in Integration Applications

  • Use the circuit breaker pattern only for external dependencies that can fail unpredictably or have a high rate of failures
  • Set the trip threshold and reset threshold of the circuit breaker based on the characteristics of the external service or system, such as its response time, error rate, and capacity
  • Implement a timeout mechanism for requests to the external service or system to prevent the circuit breaker from tripping due to slow or unresponsive dependencies
  • Implement a cache mechanism for the fallback mechanism to reduce the load on the external service or system and improve the response time of the integration application
  • Monitor the state of the circuit breaker and the performance of the external service or system to detect and troubleshoot failures

About Jade

Jade, with ISO 27001, CMMI® SVC V2.0 Maturity Level 3 certifications and a team of expert System Integrators, is well-positioned to be your strategic IT services partner. We create value through our vast portfolio of IT services delivered by highly skilled and experienced consultants. Our services include business application implementations, integrations, software product engineering, cloud services, technology advisory, testing, and managed services. Jade, as a System Integrator, possesses the knowledge and experience to seamlessly integrate your systems and processes, streamlining your operations and enhancing your overall productivity.


The circuit breaker pattern is a reliable solution for improving the stability and resilience of integration applications. By preventing failures from propagating throughout the system, the circuit breaker pattern helps to minimize the impact of faults in external services or systems. Furthermore, the use of a fallback mechanism and a monitoring mechanism can provide additional safeguards against system failures.

By implementing best practices such as setting appropriate thresholds and implementing timeout and cache mechanisms, integration applications can benefit from the circuit breaker pattern's strengths. Overall, the circuit breaker pattern is an effective tool for achieving a more robust and dependable system design in integration applications.

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About the Author

Rajat Saluja

Rajat Saluja

Principal Solution Architect- Integration & Analytics

Rajat Saluja, a Principal Solutions Architect at Jade Global, has over 17 years of experience working with a number of integration technologies including Boomi, Mulesoft and Jiterbit. His focus is to provide architectural Leadership and strategy for cloud and on-premise integrations.  

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